Fault Lines Community Cast

Work with professional company Lila Dance

Fault Lines Community Cast

No experience needed

Lila Dance are inviting people in the local community to take part in their new show Fault Lines which explores the climate crisis. 

The community cast will perform in a section of the show which will take place in the main house at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, on Mon 31 Mar at 7.30pm.  

You don’t need any previous dance experience and there is no audition process.  All you need is a desire to get involved in this fantastic opportunity to collaborate and perform to a 500+ seat venue with a professional company.

What is the time commitment?  

- Rehearsals: Sun 23 & 30 Mar, 10am-4pm  

- Dress rehearsal:  Mon 31 Mar, 4-6pm  

- Performance: Mon 31 Mar, 7.30-8.30pm  

You must be available to attend all three rehearsals and the performance.

The performance and rehearsals will take place at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre.

If you have any specific needs or requirements, please call or drop us an email at creativelearning@yvonne-arnaud.co.uk to discuss how we can best support you.



Add the free ticket to your basket and head to checkout to join the cast


Show Times

- Rehearsals: Sun 23 & 30 Mar, 10am-4pm  

- Dress rehearsal:  Mon 31 Mar, 4-6pm  

- Performance: Mon 31 Mar, 7.30-8.30pm  


If you have any specific needs or requirements, please call or drop us an email at creativelearning@yvonne-arnaud.co.uk to discuss how we can best support you.

Advisory Info

Ages 18+